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What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Best Children Photos

Did you ever think of the pros and cons of taking a professional family photo while on vacation? Do you have the habit of taking family photos while on vacation?

Traveling is exciting and this is why we plan new destinations to spend our holidays. Our camera is one of the essentials for any vacation. This is for taking photos as memories while enjoying the new culture, food, and attractions in a new destination. However, taking photos is not always possible. Sometimes, most of our photos are of others and I am not there. To overcome this difficulty, lately, I started carrying a travel tripod with us. A tripod helped us take family pictures in new destinations that I could print and frame as souvenirs. With that in mind, I thought it is good to share some of our experiences with family photos taken during our vacations.

Why family photos are important?

Family photos can create wonderful memories. It is a great way to document growth and family events. As we all spend busy lives, it is difficult to avoid work stress and pressure. But, when we have family photos with us, it can create a smile while remembering past happenings. Such wonderful family photos can even improve family bonding and relationships which is good for any family. After all, once our children grow, family photos will be a golden treasure for them.

Pros of taking a professional family photo while on vacation

While on vacation, it is good to have lots of photos. But, photos taken during a vacation using a mobile phone camera may not look that good in a printed copy. Sometimes, vacation photos are not suitable for printing and for displaying. However, with a professional family photo, it is easy to print and frame as part of memories.

You can also easily print your family photos as a customized greeting card. I have this habit of making customized cards using our photos which is a great way to share the joy with other family members. For example, you can use your family photos to create relevant birthday cards or family event invitations. Be sure to take a family Christmas card photo simply because it is a great way to share the Christmas joy with your family members. A Christmas card with your family photo is excellent to share holiday greetings with your parents, siblings, and other relatives. Be sure to plan your family clothing that suits the holiday mood. If you can match your outfits with similar colour combinations, you can easily spread family spirit and joy to your friends and other family members as well. If you make a family Christmas card, be sure to choose a holiday card design that suits Christmas and the holidays.

Cons of taking a professional family photo while on vacation

While professional family photos are great during a vacation, sometimes, it may be difficult to find a professional photographer in a new destination. It can be even more expensive than a photo taken in a studio. Communication barriers and cultural differences can also have a negative impact on your photo.

Although there are some cons to taking a professional family photo while on vacation, I still find the benefits are more compared to the cons. I simply carry a travel tripod with us and try to capture beautiful family photos using the auto mode of the camera. The hotel is the best place for me simply because of the interior that suits photo backgrounds. Try this on your next vacation. Don’t forget to print and frame it. You can even use your family photos on holiday cards.

Studio vs Outdoor Photography: Pros and Cons

So you’ve decided on professional photos for your family, your kids, or yourself. Good thinking! But the choices are just beginning and you have a lot of fun options available as you plan.

When you book, I’ll email you a Client Consult Form. After you send it back to me, we have a phone or in-person pre-session consultation where we talk about all the details, including where you want to take the photos. As spring approaches, lots of people want to head outdoors (see the cute pics I’ve shared below of twin girls in a Dallas park!)

I have a dedicated, private photography studio in my Dallas home. I also have years of experience shooting vibrant outdoor photos. I deliver about 70-80 final images and they’re all keepers, no matter where they’re shot. So how to choose a location?  

So here are my thoughts on studio vs outdoor photography. I’ve made a “pros” and “cons” list to help you make a decision.



· Weather. Wind, heat, dust, and precipitation are all the enemies of a great photo shoot. Being in a studio makes them irrelevant.

· Comfort. Heat and air conditioning are our friends (particularly AC in the scorching Texas summers).

· Lighting. You can create the effects yourself with studio lighting, without having to rely on or factor in ambient light from other sources.

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· Privacy. I can control who is in my studio. This truly matters for my maternity photography clients who might want to shoot partial nude photos.

· Changing areas. My studio has a bathroom where clients can touch up makeup, do hair, and change outfits during our time together.

· Fewer distractions. This is particularly important for child photography, as little ones usually have a very short attention span.


· Posed look. For some people, a photo studio and seamless backdrop seems too posed and formal. It’s really about individual preferences here.




· Spontaneity. What makes nature slightly irritating is also part of its appeal. You just never know what’s going to happen.

· Atmosphere. It’s pretty hard to beat the beauty of a natural setting.

· Light. Natural light is flattering and there’s plenty of it here in Dallas.

· Space. You can really move around and capture more “action shots” in a wide open space.


· Weather. Forecasts help, but they’re often wrong, and if fat raindrops show up 30 minutes after you arrive in a park. All you can do is reschedule.
· Little privacy. You can hope people and animals will keep their distance when you’re in public taking photos, but there’s nothing stopping random people from wandering into your area or an unpleasant goose from harassing your subjects.
· No place to change. It’s a lot harder to find a place for an outfit change when you’re outdoors and public park restrooms are often really unappealing.


Want to talk about your photography options? Please call or text me at 214.864.5787 or use my online contact form and I’ll get back to you quickly, usually within 24 hours. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Best Children Photos

Studio vs Outdoor Photography: Pros and Cons

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